Jul 30, 2015

KEW Mid-Summer Note

Blue-green Algae Alert!  It is already in Penage Lake...could it happen to Kukagami?

     Blue-green algae blooms thrive in lakes with high phosphorus and nitrogen levels. Warm shallow bays are most susceptible, especially where there is high cottage density and lawns.

    Waterfront property owners can reduce the probability of a toxic blue green algae bloom by:

• ensuring that septic tank/waste water systems are well maintained

• eliminating the use of fertilizers on lawns

• restoring natural shoreline vegetation to reduce soil erosion and to absorb nutrients from the lawn and septic field.


Blue Moon Gathering Reminder

     July 31st marks the only blue moon for 2015. Neighbours will gather at the Bald Rock, just north of the Lion's Head to see it happen. The sun sets a little before 9 pm, just as the moon rises in the east. Meet at 8:30 to share stories and snacks while we watch the blue moon rising.