May 3, 2013

ICE is Gone!

KEW News                                                       May 2013 Update

      May 2nd provided a warm, gentle breeze that swept away the ice on Klondike Bay.  Throughout the next 2 days, warm weather and strong south winds finally released the rest of the lake from winter's grip.  The ice was totally gone from the lake on May 4th.  There should be some new photos on the website over the next few days.
      The water level on the lake is higher than usual for spring.  Because of this, many of the old logs and other wood that once washed up on shore are afloat once again.  There will be a lot of flotsam on the lake for the next couple of weeks.  If you are boating, be aware that some of the logs, old boards and even docks barely rise above the water and are difficult to see.
Tai Chi
A four week introduction to tai chi will start at 10 am on Tuesday, May 7th at Sportsman's Lodge.  Pre-registration is not required.  Wear flat shoes (running shoes are fine) and loose clothing.
Practicing tai chi improves balance and can help you to maintain, and regain your mobility.    
 Road Clean-up
Reminder to volunteers to pick up litter along the local roads!  Contact KEW to let us know what section you have completed.  If there are large objects, we will contact the city to arrange a special pick-up.   If this is your first time participating in the road clean-up, please contact KEW.