Feb 24, 2014

Beginner Tai Chi class starts March 4th

Join us at Sportsman's Lodge at 9:30 on Tuesdays, starting on March 4th to start the new session of beginning Taoist Tai Chi class.

Clippings from www.taoist.org

 Taoist Tai Chi™Arts 

Taoist Tai Chi™ arts are founded upon a rich tradition of Taoist training. They are intended to return both body and mind to their original nature. According to Taoist teachings body and mind cannot be separated. Each step in the training is intended to help the mind return to stillness, clarity and wisdom, and the body to a balanced, relaxed and healthy state.

Transform body & mind: the balanced approach
Can you benefit from the regular practice of the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts? Well, first answer this question. Do you have stress in your life? If you answered “yes”- and really, who didn’t? – we’d like to introduce you to a form of exercise and personal development that both promotes health and relieves stress. We call it “internal alchemy” or “internal transformation” of both body and mind.

The Taoist Tai Chi™ arts have their origin in the tradition of Taoist internal alchemy. Alchemy in Taoism is a process of changing and transforming the body to the original healthy state. This starts with the transformation of the physical body. When the physical body is healthy and strong and the mind is quiet, the transformation of internal energies can occur.

How slow and steady wins the race to better health
There are a few misconceptions that we’d like to clear up. First, that Tai Chi is too slow to do you any good. While we agree that this art is about gentle turning and stretching, our form of Tai Chi is also specifically designed to improve health. So the significant and impactful degree of turning and stretching in each of the movements contributes to better balance and posture, increased strength and flexibility, and calmness and peace of mind. The second myth is that Tai Chi is exclusively for the elderly. Pay a visit to one of our classes and you’ll see people of all ages benefiting from the healing movements of this ancient art form.
Getting better through the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts
We offer “health recovery programs”, which are specialized workshops and classes for people with chronic illnesses or those recovering from injuries. These arts have proven very effective as complementary therapy in aiding and speeding recovery. Movements can be adapted for people with reduced mobility.
And we’ve found most people can do the Tai Chi set regardless of handicaps or ailments. In fact, many conditions have shown to improve with the regular practice of this art, including  high blood pressure, arthritisback pain, low spirits, joint immobilityrespiratory problems, digestive disorders, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, the long term consequences of trauma or stroke, aging and fibromyalgia.